HBO two months free
The biggest shows, movies, specials and more interesting content. Now you can watch two months for free.
Do you like streaming services? Here you will find the best of them, look for the one you like the most and you will be able to receive free streaming samples and comment.
Lovers of series, movies and documentaries have everything they need to entertain themselves at their fingertips on streaming services. In this sense, you could receive free subscriptions to streaming services just by registering at Muestras a Casa, to find out if the programming of one or another streaming service is ideal for you. All you have to do is fill out the forms on this website and wait to win one of the sweepstakes where you will receive monthly subscriptions of up to 2 months.
At Samples to Home you are offered the chance to receive subscriptions to today's most popular streaming services. In this sense, this is what you could receive in one of the sweepstakes:
The most popular service of these times, with more than 4000 titles available for Spain. Among them there is a wide variety of movies, series and documentaries produced by the company or also purchased from other channels, companies and production companies.
When you receive a free subscription to Netflix, you will have a free 2-month membership with access to all the content that is available on its platform. Likewise, you will be able to enjoy these programs in the best resolutions so that you can appreciate in great detail each of the special effects of your favorite programming.
The creators of the super productions "Game of Thrones" and "The Sopranos" also have their own streaming service, in which you will not only have access to this incredible content, but also to a great variety of series and movies of all times.
This free HBO subscription will give you access for 2 months to all programming available for Spain, including documentaries, series, classic movies and programming currently in production.
The great advantage of Amazon Prime is that it not only allows you to access its special streaming platform where there are a large number of series, movies and documentaries of independent production and the world's largest producers such as Warner and Sony.
It also offers you access to an exclusive service of free and fast shipping on each of your Amazon purchases, as well as the possibility of receiving exclusive offers on video games, books and other entertainment items. This is in addition to a private cloud with unlimited storage of all your photos during the 2 months of the free subscription.
In this section you will find brief descriptions of what you could get by receiving a free sample of the different streaming services.
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